The HealthLink secure messaging network is Australia’s largest providing access to more than 11,000 general and specialist practices, and over 1300 labs and hospitals. That equates to some 60,000 providers in general and specialist practice, with many, many more in the allied health, Hospital and Health Service segments.

For the corporate customer, it makes sense for your system to have direct access to the directory that provides your staff with the delivery address for your reporting systems, without all the time and effort of local manual maintenance. The Directory Service API is based on the Australian localisation of the FHIR directory service profiles, making it easy to connect to and consistent with other web enabled technologies in its terminology and use. The API can also be used in numerous ways dependant on what is best suited to your needs.

The HealthLink Online Provider Directory provides easy access to HealthLink users so that they can quickly find the messaging address of a provider or Healthcare service they wish to collaborate with securely.
All HealthLink subscribers get access to the online directory when they subscribe and, and each user can edit their own practice or provider details in the directory to allow for easy maintenance rather than having to call or email someone to update it for you. Of course should you wish to email us to update your details, you are most welcome and can email these updates to register@healthlink.net.

Search, find and refer a patient to the right healthcare provider. First time, every time.